Meister Eckhart a German Philosopher said that” If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you’, it will be enough.”
Often times, we forget to say thank you not only to people who go out of their way to extend help to us but to our God who never misses a day sending bountiful blessings.
Though I’m still grieving for the death of my beloved mom, but tomorrow’s thanksgiving is a perfect time for me to give thanks to God to have known such an endearing soul, an admirable woman, a dedicated teacher, a loving wife and a selfless mother.
More than anything else, I thank the Lord for giving me an amazing three weeks to be with my mother at the hospital before she passed away last Monday. The time I spent with her-sharing stories, staying at her bedside and watching her sleep was one of the memorable moments that I’d treasure for the rest of my life.
She left the world with peace in her soul and happiness in her heart knowing that we, her children loved her more than she had ever known. But the peerless love of a mother is unconditional and unmatched.
And this is what I am thankful for.
How about you? What are you thankful for?