Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How Crazy Can You Get About Love?

Will you go all the way? Or will you test the waters first before you dip your toes?

 People do all sorts of things when they fall in love especially us women. I admit , I am one of them. I do outrageous  non-conventional stuff for love but one thing I won’t do and will never do is to kill myself for anybody. Oh, no way!

I’ve heard atrocious stories how women go to great lengths as allowing their partners to have flings, flirt or one night stand or much worse a side affair just to keep the man. Ok…I won’t do that either.

But it’s true that when a man started to sweep us off our feet and starts showing care, attention  and love, then the battle is over. He has totally captured our hearts. And that’s when we go gaga over him, and go head over heels to the man who we thought is the “one” for us.

I think, most of women believe in a fairy tale existing in real life. That one day a knight in shining armour will come to rescue us from the dark castle or the frog we kiss will turn out to be our prince charming.

Nothing wrong with that I guess. I did kiss several frogs that didn’t turn out to be my prince charming but instead remained to be toads, thankfully.
When one love fail, we keep on trying and searching for the one for us.
Some women not all though, change a part of themselves to be liked more by their partners. Some shower them with material things and pamper them or stroke a man’s ego to hold him to stay in a relationship.

It continues to puzzle me why do we push the magic of love to happen by doing an extra mile for the object of our affection? Doesn’t  it take two to make it happen? If there’s only you to push the relationship forward, sooner or later, you’ll get tired and feel sorry for yourself until you ask yourself a silent question, “ Why am I doing this?”

When you see a man’s signs that he’s not into you, stop right there and smack yourself in the head. Promise.You’ll thank me for suggesting this. At least I saved you for further emotional and financial disaster. A man who loves you truly will move mountains and risk himself to be with you. Plain and simple. If you have started spoiling him with material things or  you get him used that you’re the one giving more of your emotions and time, remember that you will only be good as long as you give. If you got nothing more to spare, then chances are, he’ll turn cold or worse leave you either abruptly or gradually.

Women basically are prone to be deceived by superficial "love like" affections or even deception by men. Not because women are naïve and gullible human beings. But simply because we believe in “they-live-happily-ever-after” fairy tale stories.
Don’t we all wish that to happen in every relationship we have?

In a wedding when a bride dons a wedding dress.... fully dolled up, doesn’t she feel like a princess who found the prince who'll marry her and take her to a horse carriage headed to his castle? Tell me if I’m wrong, every woman yearns to wear the wedding dress of her dreams.  During my first wedding, I concentrated more on how the wedding dress would look like more than how my marriage would be like. Eleven years after, the fairy tale  marriage failed to have a happy ending.

It’s our nature I guess, as women to fantasize as princesses  eversince we were little girls. But the truth is, we must realize that love is a two way thing. We should always receive the love we deserve without compromising ourselves and let alone losing our self respect and dignity. Love comes freely and unselfishly given without anything expected in return or without changing the person to fit to the image of one's ideal partner.

A certain post on Facebook caught my attention and I memorized it by heart it says " If love and affection are not given freely, then it's not worth having."
Don’t give up on love even if you fail for the umpteenth times.  The fairy tale that you hope for will surely become a reality, in just a matter of time.

Love yourself more and be happy on this Valentine’s day.