Have you discovered something new about yourself this past year-those things that you love and can’t live without and those stuff that you can’t even stand leaving you puzzled why in the world did you hang on to those in 2011?
Ok, it’s almost the end of the year, when you sit down in the little corner of your room before midnight- few minutes away from the first day of 2012 while you do your New Year’s eve self assessment routine, it won’t hurt to contemplate on some new revelations like an epiphany ( not likely coming from heaven) about yourself that you thought you knew but actually didn’t know about until you got the chance to discover it only last year.
It may not be something significant though. It may just be some minute part of your everyday life but matters a lot.
I can’t wait to know what’s yours. But before you tell me your list, let me burn your ears first with mine. You ready? Here goes…
Thumbs Up List
1.Latino Parties:
I’am a sucker for latin dances but two particular dances that make my heart beat faster in a bossa nova rhythm are salsa and samba. Who cares if the rest of the world are sleeping? All I care about at Latino parties are Mojitos, samba and lots of hip shaking and grinding with sultry Latino friends who dance to their heart’s delight. Oh, did I mention about hot Brazilian bartenders?
2.Facebook’s More Than Just Happy Birthday Greetings
When it’s our birthday, it’s a known fact that the first thing we do is to look at our Facebook wall, right? Ofcourse we’d like to see who remembered us on our birthday.
But how could this birthday routine be exciting if all we see is “Happy Birthday, All the Best!” or just simply “Happy Birthday” or worse “Happy B-day”. Therefore, if you’ve got 25 friends who remembered you on this day, all you’ll see is a “Happy Birthday” repeatedly written 25 times on your Facebook wall. Gee, that’s exciting!
How about writing something nice about the birthday celebrant? Write something that’s encouraging, or say something about a person’s good traits, write something positive. Oh, for heaven’s sake! Write something that’s more than just “Happy Birthday!”
3.Scented Candles
I used to dread opening Christmas gifts before especially when I could feel that what’s inside are candles. Until I got smitten by L’occitane candle fig scent (again a gift to me) whose seductive scent can throw you down on the floor.
That’s when I got a paradigm shift about candles. From that time on, I always ask my friends that I’d like to get scented candles for Christmas. What can I do? Things change!
4.Bubble Bath
My new bubbly passion. I didn’t have the chance to have bubble baths before since my old apartment didn’t have a tub but just a bath corner shower stall instead. Now that I’ve got one in my new apartment- ha! I make sure that I always give myself reason why I do so-to relax my muscles, to calm me down, for a good night sleep, to try different bubble bath soaps. I don’t run out of reasons just to do it every other day. In case I do, run out of reasons, I’ll make one for the next day.
5.Caramelized Almonds
Gosh, I’ve never thought that this stuff are so delicious. Ok probably because I got sweet tooth. But really, they’re addicting that once you munch one sweetened almond, there’s no way for you to stop until you wipe out the rest in the jar. But let me give you a caveat, they’re harder than you thought. So those with porcelain caps, be careful.
Since when did I start to like running? Three years ago, I guess, when my goal was to simply substitute smoking with running. But this year, I don’t just like it. I love it! Doesn’t this sound like a Nike slogan? Running to me now is more than just good for my body- it’s good for my soul too.
7.Jelly Babies
Ok from running to eating sweet high caloric jelly candies? They don’t go together, right? But you know what? I don’t really care. Jelly Babies are the best gummy candies I’ve ever tasted. Taste is perfect. Sweetness is just enough for my once in a while cravings ( ok sometimes more than once in a while) but the shapes? Well…uhmm, let’s just put it this way, it’s like your chewing sweetened little babies. Eewww!
Don’t ask me. I didn’t make them.
8.Ask and It is Given -Law of Attraction Book ( self- help skills) by Abraham- Hicks
Powerful book that everyone must have. When I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. I was hoping that I won’t reach the last page since it has revealed tons of information that I missed before. The book generally endorses the principle of law of attraction where you can attract what you desire ( or in the same token as attracting negative things or events as well) depending on how you direct your thoughts.If you get the chance get hold of the book. Go and get one for yourself. It’s a good read especially during the beginning of a new year.
My Thumbs Down List for 2011 will be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned!
While I’m ending the first part of this blog few hours right before 2012 begins.
Let me wish all of you, ( my dear blog readers) a life rich in love, peace, good health and abundance of blessing for the Year 2012.
I hope that I could see you more often here and that my blog would always be worthy of your reading time.
Happy New Year to all!